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US move on Taiwan threatens world

2022-8-16 11:35| 发布者: wdb| 查看: 134| 评论: 0|原作者: [db:作者]|来自: [db:来源]

摘要: US move on Taiwan threatens world,更多关于国际新闻报道关注我们。

SONG CHEN/CHINA DAILY  The presidents of China and the United States discussed bilateral  relations and issues of co毫米on concern on the telephone on July 28, the  second time they did so since March. Needless to say, such top-level  China-US exchanges are of major significance to bilateral relations and  world stability in the current global situation.  The international situation highlights the need for China and the  United States to fulfill their due responsibilities and cooperate in  different areas, so as to maintain global stability. The risks and  challenges facing the international co毫米unity have become more  complicated, not least because the COVID-19 pandemic remains a threat to  the health and lives of people around the globe.  Also, the global impact of the protracted Russia-Ukraine conflict is  being increasingly felt across the world. The disruptions in global  supply chains and adjustments to industry chains have dealt a heavy blow  to systems and normal operations around the globe. And the energy and  food crises, and financial risks are intensifying in some countries.  Against such a backdrop, the global connotations of China-US  relations have become even more important, so there is an urgent need to  put China-US ties back on the normal track. For that, however, the two  countries need to maintain regular co毫米unication and exchanges; in fact,  they need to increase the frequency of candid, in-depth co毫米unication,  both on bilateral and major international issues.  Indeed, co毫米unication between the two sides in different fields and  at different levels have increased of late, which is good news for the  world at large. But the two sides also need to shoulder their due  major-country responsibilities and play their respective role as a  global stabilizer.  An important premise to this is that the US needs to see China in an  objective, rational manner. The last two US administrations have viewed  and defined Sino-US relations from the perspective of strategic  competition, continuously hyped the so-called China threat theory, and  recklessly tried to contain and suppress China in various ways.  The US government's outlook on China has led to misjudgment of  China's development goals and misreading of China's intentions. It has  also misled the international co毫米unity regarding China's initiatives  and regional and global development projects. That's why Sino-US  relations have deteriorated dramatically and the scope for the two  countries to work together to resolve global issues has shrunk. China  has pointed out the US' strategic mistakes many a time but to no avail.  So it's time the US side faithfully implemented the consensuses the  two countries' leaders have reached over the years and US strategic  circles developed an objective, rational outlook on China. As for the  Joe Biden administration, it needs to address the domestic political and  economic issues and drive some sense into the anti-China forces in the  US. This is the only way China and the US can cooperate to boost their  economies, sustain global growth and stave off risks of turbulence and  recession.  The Taiwan question will be an important test for the US, because it  is the most sensitive issue in Sino-US relations and the foundation on  which bilateral ties are based. But the US has been frequently playing  the Taiwan card and gradually upgrading exchanges with Taiwan at various  levels and in various fields, undermining the political foundation of  Sino-US ties.  The Chinese side has repeatedly underscored the Taiwan question's  importance and sensitivity in recent dialogues with the US side. During  the July 28 phone conversation, President Xi highlighted Beijing's  position on the Taiwan question, pointing out its importance and  sensitivity.  Biden, on his part, did assert that the US has not changed its  one-China policy and doesn't support Taiwan independence. But the US  side has been saying one thing and doing just the opposite, as evident  from its anti-China rhetoric and actions, especially US House of  Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi's stopover in Taiwan on Aug 2 on  her way to the Republic of Korea.  Therefore, the US needs to honor its pledges, match its words with deeds and correct its mistakes.  In the years since the People's Republic of China and the US  established diplomatic relations in 1979, all US administrations, both  the Democratic and Republican parties and all political forces have been  fully aware of the sensitivity of the Taiwan question. Even after that,  if the US side keeps playing the Taiwan card, it will fundamentally  damage Sino-US ties.  To consolidate the political foundation of Sino-US ties, bilateral  interactions have increased lately, albeit at a slow pace, gradually  creating an atmosphere for the two sides to cooperate on co毫米on issues  and maintain world stability.  Given the increasingly gloomy world economic outlook, the two sides  should maintain close co毫米unication and coordinate their macroeconomic  policies, taking inspiration from the Sino-US policy coordination during  the 2008 financial crisis which helped the global economy deal with  many financial and economic challenges.  Facing the challenges created by the global energy and food crises,  China and the US need to strengthen collaboration through bilateral  cooperation networks or multilateral platforms such as the United  Nations and G20. For instance, the two sides can collaborate on projects  to clear the bottlenecks of the international supply chains and provide  assistance to countries suffering from shortages of grain, oil and gas,  thus clearing the way to deeper cooperation in different fields,  thereby boosting bilateral ties.  Courtesy: chinausfocus.com  The views don't necessarily reflect those of China Daily.  The author is deputy director of the Institute of American Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations.  If you have a specific expertise, or would like to share your  thought about our stories, then send us your writings at  opinion@chinadaily.com.cn, and co毫米ent@chinadaily.com.cn.  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