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US politicians playing “Taiwan card” biggest threat to regional stability: Chi ...

2022-8-16 11:34| 发布者: wdb| 查看: 77| 评论: 0|原作者: [db:作者]|来自: [db:来源]

摘要: US politicians playing “Taiwan card” biggest threat to regional stability: China Daily editorial,更多关于国际新闻报道关注我们。

A soldier looks through binoculars during combat exercises and  training of the navy of the Eastern Theater Co毫米and of the Chinese  People's Liberation Army (PLA) in the waters around the Taiwan island,  Aug 5, 2022. [Photo/Xinhua]  The United States was repeatedly warned that there would be serious  consequences if House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited  Taiwan.  But defying all the disapproval and the urgings from all corners of  the world that she abandon her provocative plan, including the message  from the White House that it was thought not to be a good idea, she  arrived in Taipei anyway on Aug 2.  It is clear to all that her visit was intended to be a significant  and provocative show of support for the secession-desiring Tsai Ing-wen  administration on the island. The Democratic Progressive Party has  written the pursuit of independence into its party program. Beijing is  therefore fully justified in responding in a way that ensures the  separatists know the risks they are running in trying to edge the island  toward "independence".  The live-fire drills the People's Liberation Army is conducting  around Taiwan are meant primarily as a deterrent against the separatist  forces on the island. But they are also meant to ensure that not just  Washington, but all "external forces" are aware of the serious  consequences of meddling in the Taiwan question, which is purely an  internal affair of China.  Pelosi's trip once again demonstrated that it is China hawks in  Washington that are the source of the greatest trouble in the region and  therefore the gravest threat to regional peace and stability. They are  not only maliciously infringing on China's sovereignty by playing the  "Taiwan card" but also violating the US' international obligations. The  US' ugly record of meddling in other countries' internal affairs is  littered with such hubristic provocations.  Beijing has thus announced eight measures tailored specifically for  Washington, which are intended to drive home the message that playing  the "Taiwan card" brews real dangers.  Three of the measures are cancellations of military-to-military  talks. The other five are the suspension of cooperation in areas such as  climate change and transnational crimes where China and the US have  been working together.  The US is used to creating a problem first, and then using it to  realize its own strategic aims. Despite the Joe Biden administration's  claims that it couldn't stop Pelosi's visit, the US has clearly taken  the opportunity, whether planned or not, to try and mess up the regional  security landscape.  As State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said, "This is very  dangerous and stupid". No matter how the US supports or connives with  the Taiwan separatist forces, it will be in vain. Nor should it pin its  hopes on countries in the region joining it in provoking trouble over  the Taiwan question, because peace, stability, development and win-win  cooperation are the co毫米on aspirations of regional countries.  As Wang assured his hosts during his recent visits to Southeast Asian  nations, while making justified, reasonable, legal and measured  responses to counter Washington's attempts to play the "Taiwan card",  Beijing is making every effort to preserve regional peace and stability.  So while inflicting pain on the violators, Beijing has also shown that  it wants to neither upend the China-US relationship, nor disrupt the  regional security landscape.更多橡胶市场关心咱们。