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2021-6-30 13:30| 发布者: wdb| 查看: 49| 评论: 0|原作者: [db:作者]|来自: [db:来源]

摘要: 全球上敲击率最高的歌曲:Lonely,NANA的不朽之作(附MV),更多人类之最有哪些关注我们。



  NANA是来源非洲加纳的一位歌手,1997年01月01日发表了这首《Lonely》,在这首歌曲中,爱情的不成功,世事的的无助,人与人之中的勾心斗角,都被他赤裸裸的展露在你眼前。动情处的伤心呐喊,颓废时的无助低吟,节拍布鲁斯,跳舞音乐,HIP HOP联合的天衣没有缝。






  同一时间他也在德国接近到了更多的东西,NANA很小的时刻就酷爱音乐,中学一毕业,就当了一名DJ。他在好多位置表演,并小有名气,甚而还在电影中跑过龙套。直到碰到了Toni Cottura,他曾参加包装制作了美国的著名组合“后街男孩”,十分有名,NANA从此成为了一名歌手。


  I am lonely lonely lonely 咱是那么孤独,

  I am lonely lonely in my life 咱的寿命是这样孤独,

  I am lonely lonely lonely 咱是那么孤独,

  God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给咱活下来的勇气。

  Remember first time we met day one 还记得咱们见面的那天

  Kids in the garden playin' games havin' fun 儿童们在花园里正玩的开心。

  Excitin' and amazin' havin' a real friend of mine 很高兴寻到本人的知心友人

  Feel my heartbeat and for real friend of mine具有真实的友人多么开心

  Face to face and eye to eye 面临面的眼神交流。

  Usin' our hands to buy and supply 用咱们的双手来补偿和交换,

  Chillin' is cool from January to June 从寒冷的一月到凉爽的六月天,

  And we still sticked together like the glue 咱们仍是没有办法离散。

  We know the rules 咱们晓得游戏的准则,

  Forever you and I believe it was clear 是永远那末明白清楚。

  If I ever should fall 假如咱跌倒,

  I could count on you with no fear 咱其实不害怕,另有你可依托。

  Runnin' out of time I see who's fake 日久见人心,

  Alone without protection from all them snakes 在这险恶的全球里。

  All for one one for all I was told “人人为咱,咱为人人”它们这样叮嘱咱

  Black white yellow if your young or old 不管你的皮肤颜色仍是年龄尺寸。

  Nana's in the house to let you know 在这边叮嘱你,

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  What I see is how I feel and damn 咱看见的便是咱感受的。

  I'm alone 咱唯有咱本人。

  I am lonely lonely lonely 咱是那么孤独,

  I am lonely lonely in my life 咱的寿命是这样孤独,

  I am lonely lonely lonely 咱是那么孤独,

  God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给咱活下来的勇气。

  Everybody's trippin' on me 全部的人都把咱践踏,

  Oh God come help me please 上帝呀,快来帮助咱。

  I did some bad things in my life 咱必定是做错了甚么事,

  Why can't you rescue me 你为何就不行拯救咱,

  'Cause you've got all I need 由于你能给咱想要的一切。

  I know I got to pay the price 咱晓得咱必需付出代价。

  That's why I'm lonely lonely lonely 这便是为何咱这样孤独,

  I am so lonely lonely 咱是那么孤独,

  That's why I'm lonely lonely lonely 这便是为何咱这样孤独。

  Cheepin' thru the streets at night 穿过午夜孤独的大街,

  After a fuss and fight 身上带着新添的伤痕。

  Tears in my eyes 眼含泪水,

  I'm a man lookin' for the light 去寻觅光明。

  Dark is the path 黑暗是必经之路,

  He will rescue me 上帝会拯救咱,

  The Lord is my shephard 他便是咱的领路人。

  I'm cool despite emergency 尽管急迫但咱心里依旧冷静,

  Whom shall I fear exept the god 除了上帝咱谁还不怕。

  Thank you for the blessin' 感谢上帝保佑,

  And the skills on the mic 赐与咱美妙歌喉。

  Five years we know there's no dignity 五年了,咱活的无尊严,

  Free at last see the light in me 咱终将得到灵魂的释放。

  What goes up must come down 生死交替没有办法幸免,

  I'll be around while you heading towards deathtown 咱会陪你走势死亡之城,

  Always look forward hardly never look back 永不回头。

  So many tears and the snakes on my jack 留过多少泪,受过多少磨难,

  Now I'm riding in my big fat ride 咱已踏上寻觅光明的旅途,

  Your ass is late so look for the line 你来晚了就要排队。

  Nana in the house to let you know 在这边叮嘱你,

  What I see is how I feel so leave me alone咱看见的便是咱感受的,是以不需要打扰咱

  I am lonely lonely lonely 咱是那么孤独,

  I am lonely lonely in my life 咱的寿命是这样孤独,

  I am lonely lonely lonely 咱是那么孤独,

  God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给咱活下来的勇气。

  Everybody's trippin' on me 全部的人都把咱践踏,

  Oh Lord come help me please 上帝呀,快来帮助咱。

  I did some bad things in my life 咱必定是做错了甚么事,

  Why can't you rescue me 你为何就不行拯救咱,

  'Cause you've got all I need 由于你能给咱想要的一切。

  I know I got to pay the price 咱晓得咱必需付出代价。

  Knock on my door 有人敲咱的门,


  Whom you lookin' for 你想找谁。

  A dream or reality enemies at my door 寻找梦想仍是残酷的现实?

  Eyes I realize it's fantasize 咱意识到这是幻想,

  I must be high 咱必定是太激动了。

  So let me live before I die 是以死此前要好好活一次。

  Once again grab the bottle twist the cap 抓过酒瓶,卷起帽子,

  To survive your life is yours 你过你本人的生活,

  My life is mine 咱过咱本人的生活,

  No emotions in this world full of lies 在这种充满谎言的全球无情感可言。

  Step by step and be versatile 一步一步来,随机应变,

  Love peace and crash that's what it's all about 热爱和平和破坏,这便是一切。

  Alone by yourself than you lack there's no doubt about全无疑问,你只能依托本人。

  I'm always into something making moves to improve 咱总是专注一件事宜,努力改良。

  What would you do if you where in my shoes 假如你是咱你会怎样办?

  Boom a letter oops another suicide 情绪低沉接下来自杀?

  Meet me for a ride at the boulevard 咱会等着你一同去寻觅解脱。

  Nana's in the house to let you know 在这边叮嘱你,

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  What I see is how I feel and damn 咱看见的便是咱感受的。

  I am lonely lonely lonely 咱是那么孤独,

  I am lonely lonely in my life 咱的寿命是这样孤独,

  I am lonely lonely lonely 咱是那么孤独,

  God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给咱活下来的勇气。

  Everybody's trippin' on me 全部的人都把咱践踏,

  Oh Lord come help me please 上帝呀,快来帮助咱。

  I did some bad things in my life 咱必定是做错了甚么事,

  Why can't you rescue me 你为何就不行拯救咱,

  'Cause you've got all I need 由于你能给咱想要的一切。

  I know I got to pay the price 咱晓得咱必需付出代价。

  I am lonely lonely lonely 咱是那么孤独,

  I am lonely lonely in my life 咱的寿命是这样孤独,

  I am lonely lonely lonely 咱是那么孤独,

  God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给咱活下来的勇气。

  I am lonely lonely lonely 咱是那么孤独,

  I am lonely lonely in my life 咱的寿命是这样孤独,

  I am lonely lonely lonely 咱是那么孤独,

  God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给咱活下来的勇气。

  That's why I'm lonely lonely lonely 这便是为何咱这样孤独,

  I am so lonely lonely 咱是那么孤独,

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  I am so lonely lonely lonely in my life咱的寿命是这样孤独。






